Thursday, September 26, 2013

Thanks for a Great Time!

To all the Wanakita Family who attended our 60th Anniversary we would love to say thank you and thanks for coming out. For those who were unable to attend, we hope to see you around as much as possible in the future!

1 comment:

  1. I had the good fortune of making it to Hamilton for the 60th celebration and it was an incredibly enriching experience. The planning commitee should be commended for putting together a terrific night filled with great food, a few beverages, and lots of smiles, hugs and laughter. As I was looking at the pictures of the various folks who attended that night, I notice in almost every shot, that people had that "Wanakita look" of happiness, contentment, and an overall feeling of pride for being part of such a wonderful place! It was great to see the many, many people that touched my life as a camper, and staff member at Wanakita. I personally spent 13 years at Wanakita, so I had the good fortune of hanging out with so many great Wanakita people. It was almost overwhelming that night as you met person after person who meant so much to us during those times. It was particularly wonderful to see all the old directors, Knoxy, Perk, Rob, and Stevie boy. I still get shivers to this day when I think about what these guys meant to all of us with their leadership and the role that played in shaping our lives. Can't wait for the 65th or 70th, or whenever we have the next one, and many thanks to our good buddy John Cuddie for putting together the 1978 JC table, your the best John! Greg Westaway
